Saturday 21 May 2011

brendan fraser the mummy

brendan fraser the mummy. Related: Brendan Fraser , The
  • Related: Brendan Fraser , The

  • HasanDaddy
    Mar 15, 09:43 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Apparently South Coast Plaza is selling none today

    Still waiting here at Fashion Island - crossing fingers!

    I really hope they have them in stock for you, man, and you emerge victorious. I just wanna see someone win today... besides Charlie Sheen.

    Hahaha! Thanks man! Its a good day, no matter what!

    brendan fraser the mummy. Brendan Fraser#39;s visit to
  • Brendan Fraser#39;s visit to

  • aristotle
    Oct 2, 10:45 AM
    If you want to lay the blame at anyones feet, it should be Apple. They should have made a CDMA version and split the load between the networks.
    I can just imagine the lawsuits from clueless american consumers complaining that their iPhone from verizon does not work in Europe like their friends AT&T iPhone.
    CDMA is a dying technology. That is why verizon is switching to LTE (4G GSM).

    The blame does not lay with Apple. The blame rests solely on the entire wireless industry who have been claiming "unlimited" data on phones that were too crippled by a lack of features or crappy software like browsers for people to even bother trying to use a lot of data bandwidth. The iPhone changed all of that and AT&T should have offered capped plans but then a bunch of american consumers with a sense of entitlement would have complained that Verizon were offering unlimited data on their crappy phones.

    The iPhone was such a major game changer in how people use wireless data that no carrier in the US would have been prepared for the load. In Europe, where the Nokia smart phones are more popular, there was higher data usage long before the iPhone came to the scene. In North America, most phones offered texting and WAP internet access. Smartphone usage was much lower in our region compared with Europe.

    brendan fraser the mummy. Brendan Fraser is a
  • Brendan Fraser is a

  • SeaFox
    Jul 10, 04:57 PM
    Dammit. I misread this article title as "Page 3 features" as in the Page 3 of Macrumors we had for April Fools.


    brendan fraser the mummy. Brendan Fraser on IMDb: Movies
  • Brendan Fraser on IMDb: Movies

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 26, 05:53 PM
    AT&T's HSPA+ can pull down 21 MB theoretically. 4x faster than HSPA 7.2.

    The theoretical never actually happen though. That's why I'd take a superior network standard with a lower frequency, and thus better building penetration, any day.


    brendan fraser the mummy. Brendan Fraser Mummy 3, The
  • Brendan Fraser Mummy 3, The

  • lgreenberg
    Apr 28, 04:40 PM
    Confirmed by another OEM white iPhone owner.

    brendan fraser the mummy. the mummy and rendan fraser
  • the mummy and rendan fraser

  • lbro
    Apr 26, 12:45 AM
    and going back to read the narrative... whats a gallapagos? apparently i discovered it but seem to not know what it is..

    I think he means the Galapagos Islands were discovered by Charles Darwin (they weren't). The stuffed dog Bagel probably refers to the ship the HMS Beagle Charles Darwin sailed on when he went to the Galapagos Islands.



    brendan fraser the mummy. The Mummy 3 Interviews
  • The Mummy 3 Interviews

  • stevegmu
    Jan 30, 05:36 PM
    Let me correct myself... I didn't mean to say occupy, I meant that we have troops in US bases in over 200 countries.

    Interesting, considering there are only 194 recognized countries on Earth. Which planet are the other 6 countries located on?

    brendan fraser the mummy. Brendan Fraser
  • Brendan Fraser

  • peapody
    Jan 26, 11:03 AM

    no big deal! You don't have to apologize! Who cares?! I just didn't get to sending your reply (phone call with my residency director)...I replied but then you send the above message - don't jump so quickly. :o


    brendan fraser the mummy. The Dark Knight holds off The
  • The Dark Knight holds off The

  • stroked
    Apr 24, 07:39 PM
    That's not very christian of you.

    Christians are expected to protect their children, and I have never claimed to be a Christian.

    brendan fraser the mummy. Brendan Fraser as Rick
  • Brendan Fraser as Rick

  • intervenient
    Apr 25, 10:36 PM
    Any word about the Mac Mini? Would like to switch from MBA to a Mini and iPad combo.


    brendan fraser the mummy. quot;THE MUMMY: TOMB OF THE DRAGON

  • rhett7660
    Apr 30, 07:22 PM
    Great! Commoditize an art form and degrade it even further.

    It's bad enough we've already hacked music apart by turning it digital, now we're treating it like soda pop. Everything is a bargain bin price war.

    With the exception of very few bands and solo artist, this has been the case anyway. I think we would be kidding ourselves if we don't think the music industry has done this already. Pop seems to rule the airwaves and the tv so why should this be any different. Heck, you can't tell me hearing a song that came out less then a year ago being played on in a car commercial. Come on, it has already been commercialized.

    brendan fraser the mummy. The Mummy star Fraser, 41,
  • The Mummy star Fraser, 41,

  • Jason Beck
    Apr 14, 12:54 PM

    Mad puppy! (handheld spontaneous, 50mm prime on crop so sorry bout the ears)


    brendan fraser the mummy. Brendan Fraser
  • Brendan Fraser

  • Thanatoast
    Jul 11, 04:52 PM
    There's an awful lot of cock-suredness on this board.

    If MS releases this player, which will have full wireless integration with the msTunes Music Store through your home PC with WMA10 or your XBOX360 some people could be persuaded to get it. The end-to-end process in a major part of the iPod experience, and this is MS's plan to get in on it.

    Would I get one? No, because I have an Apple computer - but 90% of the world still runs windows, and now they won't have to install third party software or worry about integration issues. Their new PC (or old with new and improved WMA10) will connect right up and automatically fill up their new, media device - all without wires!

    Give MS the benefit of the doubt here. If you dismiss them, you run the risk of falling prey to their marketing/sales/monopoly-position machine.

    brendan fraser the mummy. The Mummy Returns - May 4,
  • The Mummy Returns - May 4,

  • Crosbie
    Apr 14, 02:19 PM
    The link in this thread still causes me problems:

    Though now Safari crashes a short time after showing the white box problem.

    Anyone else able to test the YouTube link in this thread?


    brendan fraser the mummy. Brendan Fraser Teeth
  • Brendan Fraser Teeth

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 09:52 AM
    Interesting view but?
    Suing your supplier is tricky but,
    Suing your largest customer is STUPID. Apple can likely find other sources but customers the size of Apple?
    Never happen. They have a death wish.

    How is 4% of their revenue a death wish for a company that is about twice the size of Apple as far as revenue goes and has a foothold in many industries outside of Apple's circle ?

    No, these are clear negotiation tactics on the part of corporations. Apple doesn't care that Samsung is suing them and will continue to source part from them and Samsung doesn't give a hoot that Apple is suing them, they will continue to sell them parts.

    brendan fraser the mummy. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon
  • The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon

  • bigmc6000
    Jul 28, 07:54 AM
    I actually hope it's moderately successful. Hopefully then, Apple will see fit to reduce their pricing schema on the iPods.

    Realistically, it could go either way. Despite the debacle that is Windows, Microsoft has had a great deal of success with the XBox. I wouldn't be surprised if Zune isn't as bad as most members of MacRumors will make it out to be.


    Really depends on yoru defintion of success. Popularity wise it's been successful (360 is helped solely by the fact it's the only HD player out there right now) but as far as the stock holders and business men are concerned it's been a debacle - they've lost hundreds of millions of dollars in the XBox and have still yet to see a single positve quarter, financially speaking, since it's inception.


    brendan fraser the mummy. Brendan Fraser Mummy DVDs
  • Brendan Fraser Mummy DVDs

  • Hardtimes
    Mar 31, 10:31 AM
    If apple force that tacky ical onto me (and don't give me a classy, cleaner option) I'll be looking elsewhere for a calendar. Simple

    brendan fraser the mummy. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon
  • The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon

  • scu
    Oct 18, 06:50 PM
    Due to late intro of the mac Pro. I would bet that desktops will increase in sales for Q1

    I would agree with you. One issue is that the older G5 are still very good machines. There is little incentive to upgrage given that there are still a number of applications that are not Intel native yet. The Mac Pro should see a bigger jump when Photoshop and Leopard are out in Spring.

    I think Leopard alone will blow everyone away given the powerfull 64 bit processing. We will continue to see strong demand for Mac desktops at that point.

    brendan fraser the mummy. quot;It#39;s better than #39;The Mummy
  • quot;It#39;s better than #39;The Mummy

  • zap2
    Jul 24, 02:37 PM
    Good new because after using my BT Apple mouse, no way i was going wired even for Mighty Mouse

    Apr 12, 03:33 PM
    iPhone is a great phone and their are some android phones that are just as good. (I can say so much more but not trying to start an argument). But we have entered a time when smart phones have gotten super competitive with one another. Fact is the best new smart phone is being released every other week. When you pick this phone up you see the add on the way home alerting you a phone better is going to be released in a week.

    Facts are now we live at a point where you can never have the best smart phone because the companies are doing such a great job to top the last one that no phone is great for more then a week now. You get what you want right now. Do go out attempting to buy the best one because you will be disappointed its not the best one. Get what you want. Wp7, iOS and Android all have there pros and cons.

    Apr 13, 03:21 PM
    The iPad has already blown away the "Apple makes overpriced stuff myth" out of the water. If you are still clinging on to this, let it go and find another useful argument.

    Most of the products in Apple's line up are competitively priced or more affordable than its competitors...and don't compare iMac's to desktop boxes it's an all-in-one a different form factor.

    Apple makes insane profits because their products extraordinary numbers not because they are overpriced. Fact is if Apple only makes income because of the premium, people will not continue to buy them if they don't work well.

    If you want to dispute what I said, try making your own product, design a pretty logo for it and sell it at a premium. See how that works out for you.

    What does the iPad or anything I sad have to do with my suggestion? My point was very simple and has nothing to do with any other Apple product. I simply suggested that Apple would still make a huge profit if they simply made a regular television and charge extra for it.

    Jun 18, 01:12 PM
    Check out today's Dilbert strip. It seems doubly relevant!

    Apr 14, 08:37 AM
    I cannot believe people are still stupid enough to believe that they will come out with a white iPhone 4 (My personal two cents). It makes absolutely no sense for them unless they really did plan to postpone the release of the next generation iPhone.

    Just look at the mediatrends especially how much of the media was hyped on here with bestbuy stocking them up and all other major retailers all of a sudden having the white SKUs in their systems.

    Get real guys, if you want a white iphone from Apple. Mostlikely you will never get one hence why i gave up and bought a conversion lol

    What makes you think you can call people stupid??? You'll eat your words when it shows up later this month....STUPID!!

    Oct 24, 08:19 AM
    I leave the house to drive to work and I miss all the excitement! Grats to all those who are getting new MBPs today! *jealous* :D

    Edit: I just got a chance to look at the upgrades and I'm very excited. For a similar spec in the 17", the C2D is $400 cheaper than its Yonah counterpart would have been. Makes me wish I didn't have to wait until the spring to buy!

    17" Spec:

    2GB RAM
    100GB @ 7200

    Yonah: $3099
    C2D: $2699


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