Saturday 21 May 2011

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  • 4God
    Jul 24, 07:09 PM
    It's about time, I'll get one the day they become available.

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  • jhu
    Oct 24, 08:28 PM
    Ok its good to know this.. I'll download the Ultimate version of Vista then, not the Home Sweet Home version :D:D:D

    F. U. Microsoft.. never gonna take any penny of mine again.. You suck and you always will..

    that's why you'll "steal" from microsoft and buy from apple? nice ethics there. unless you were going to "steal" from apple too.

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  • joshwest
    Jan 27, 09:03 AM
    If I may, because Amazon sells 12 bags cheaper (per unit) than any other store. About once every 4-6 months I buy 12 bags of Haribo Gummi Bears for under $14.00. If you were to buy a 5 oz bag in store, you'd be paying at least $2.99, on a super good day. For me though, I need to put them away someplace where I'll likely forget or I'll eat a bag a day in place of a meal. :eek:

    Not exactly what I was going to say but hit the nail on the head. It's much cheaper than going to the store plus gas and time it's a no brainer when these can be waiting for me on my doorstep when I get home.

    and also Amazon has EVERYTHING!

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  • tigres
    Apr 15, 08:59 PM
    Is iTunes up-to-date?

    Yepper. Everything is. Thx


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  • jellomizer
    Oct 23, 12:28 PM
    If Vista can run soley in a virtuallized environment without breaking the EULA, but not be installed on a machine that also is using it in a virtualized way. How does this affect anyone-(Mac or PC)?

    If I own a PC and I want to run Vista, why would I want to also run Vista, on the same machine, in a virtual environment?

    For Mac users, why would we want to install Vista-(via BootCamp) and then also use it under virtualization?

    What situation is there that you would want to run the same OS on the same box, one natively installed and one in virtualization?:confused:

    Very confused about how this affects anyone?

    Well it is an issue on who you want incharge. For example If I am doing some web development I may want to virtualize Vista to insture the page renders correctly in IE 7. Then switch back to my Mac Enviroment. But there are other times say I want to play a windows game I would want Windows to have full control. So I want to run it nativly.

    I think Microsoft wants to make sure you are not putting the same copy of windows on different virtual devices so you can have 10 Versions of windows from the same license. (ALthough it is on the same box)

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  • dba7dba
    Apr 13, 03:13 PM
    I don't want to join in the bandwagon of naysayers who think they know Apple very well because none of us actually do.

    Instead, I'll look at how it can possibly be true.

    First point: The iPhone was released amidst a sea of dumb smartphones but did this fact stop Apple from dominating and changing the market, so I a crowded market a deterrent to Apple to re-introduce TV to the world? NO

    Second point: The way TV is done by current competitors and Apple themselves, is that the focus is being heavily shifted to go through the web, which of course traditional media firms don't like. But what if you have an appliance that connects the way it did to traditional networks but once contents gets in you can control it the way you want. Apple is about user experience, maybe they have developed a way to make traditional TV more fun and interactive to use.

    Third point: Apple is an electronic appliance company now more than ever and have been eyeing on capturing the living room for a while now. The TV is the center of the living room and instead of plugging in on to one why not make an actual set, that way you cut out competition from more established appliance manufacturers?

    Fourth point: Apple already has a game console which is considered the hub of home entertainment, it's called iPad.

    So is it still impossible for Apple to bring out a TV? NO. So let's just wait for new information to come.

    Pls look at post #94. Numbers speak for themselves and they tell me Apple won't get into TV business. Who's going to pay 2k every 2 - 3 years for a TV?


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  • Rogue.
    May 3, 07:36 AM
    And the specs?

    UK store still down at this time...

    So enough of the speculation, and post when you have something worth posting ;)

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  • nyfliiboy
    Apr 12, 09:01 AM
    Looks like ill be going to Android.


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  • dXTC
    Jan 12, 10:25 AM
    Oh and I do have a hard time believing that she ate as much as that article claims, at least in one sitting. Her stomach would surely burst! :eek:

    It's easy in terms of the physics behind it. Consume less than you burn, you lose weight. However, there's something psychological behind the urge to eat. In some cases it would be like telling an alcoholic that it's easy, just stop drinking. There are also some studies and theories which have pointed out that some people don't get the necessary signals to indicate that they are full. So it's simple but it's not. (if you know what I mean.)

    Have you ever seen a "professional eating" contest? The human digestive system can do rather amazing things, especially if it's been conditioned over a period of years, which is definitely true in this woman's case. The "sitting" may be 2 to 3 hours, with a bathroom break so that she can make room in her colon for the "next wave", but yeah, it's possible, especially with light yet calorie-dense foods like snack cakes, and high-calorie drinks like Kool-Aid to wash it down/through.

    Psychological factors? You betcha. Donna's admitted to being a feedee, and in the vast majority of feeder/feedee relationships, there's a codependence factor.

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  • skinnylegs
    Mar 31, 02:01 PM
    Count me in among the "I don't like the leather look" camp. :(


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  • Blacklabel34
    Apr 29, 01:38 AM
    I have both the white and black 32gb iPhone 4's next to me now. How anyone can say one feels immediately thicker than the other is beyond me lol.
    pics or it didn't happen

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  • shecky
    Oct 24, 09:05 AM
    i just spoke to the Providence Place apple store and they have no idea when they are coming in.


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  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 29, 10:43 AM

    Although the blatant party line vote may have been a little too telling, I still think it was a genuine attempt to save a fellow wolf.

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  • trule
    Jan 29, 05:17 PM
    I'm not a big fan of technical analysis, since it tends to ignore everything but share price over time. In my experience technical analysts are wrong as often as they are right.

    Share price is all that matters :D

    I have lost most of my money in companies where I "fell in love" with the story. Basic chart analysis, like I just did, was unfortunatly much more accurate than my emotions. I use it as a "gut check".

    One of the best technical analysis charts is a P&F chart, it focuses on PRICE ACTION ONLY (no time). If you check out AAPL in a daily P&F chart it has broken down past the bull trend line (blue) and is consolidating. Its a pretty bad looking chart that was looking well overbought

    AAPL PF Daily (,P)

    However, if you take a look at the weekly P&F chart, then AAPL is crashing and it could fall to 54 before breaking its bull trend it could have a long long way to fall.

    APPL PF Weekly (,PLTAWANRBO[PA][D20080129][F1!3!!!2!20]&pref=G)

    I put a lot of weight on a weekly P&F chart as it focuses on one thing only, long term price the end thats all that matters, price.

    Honestly, I would sell if I owned it, and buy back in later. And I pushed my way through 2 full Apple Stores in the past week, most people wanted help with new computers or were, like me, just looking and finding it hard to come up with a reason to buy another iPod. The cash register desk was quiet.


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  • Azadre
    Apr 13, 08:19 PM
    Might get this, might not. Don't do contracts so it would be a simple case of buying and selling. Something most people I know do. You lot (Americans) should start doing the same and stop being beholden to 24 month contracts.

    You're going to pay the same rate for your service regardless of subsidy status of your iPhone. Why pay $650 when you can pay $200?

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  • nicque
    Apr 15, 11:41 AM (
    Untitled ( by nick◮wujcik. (, on Flickr


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  • ZRD
    May 3, 09:01 AM
    The 2010 i7 2.93 refurbs flew off the shelves once this hit...would have loved one of those at $1450 US

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  • Willis
    Oct 24, 08:19 AM
    WOW, double memory and larger HD's.. 80-120... thats amazing. Will be interesting to see when the Macbooks get their update next year.

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  • SmileyBlast!
    Apr 28, 12:30 PM
    This is the important part:

    Apple's iPhone 4 ranked as the top-selling mobile phone in the U.S. during the quarter, and perhaps most surprisingly, the iPhone 3GS took second place in the rankings. Despite essentially being a nearly two-year-old device . . .

    That speaks volumes.

    I noticed that 2 which must mean that Samsung and LG still ship a lot of Feature Phones as well in addition to their Android phones.

    Still, we can surely expect this trend to continue where Smart Phones rise and Feature phones sunset.

    May 4, 06:01 PM
    Wow. I knew exactly what I did. I was fishing for an official response and noted I had planned, like every other year, to upgrade to the newest phone this summer. Instead of detailing exactly why the date was moved, I was told about Apple's plans not to release during June/July. I too purchased the iPhone 4 as soon as it was available, and in fact had it in my hands on the 23rd.

    I don't know where this got off track onto how and when I pay my bill, but you don't need to jump on me for forwarding an email.

    So now this is an email you received? An AT&T rep actually put it in writing? Is this what you're now saying?

    Where this got "off track" or rather on the track it should've been on in the first place is that clearly if your upgrade was pushed back it was from any number of things people have posted about for years now on the matter: bill payment, length of being a customer, level of account, etc... Really, this comes up every year.

    Your story is making less and less sense, and here's where actually thinking first comes in handy:

    If a customer service rep told you that the iPhone had been delayed then either this was public knowledge, thus why forward the email to MacRumors, or this wasn't public knowledge, thus why would a first contact customer rep even know this let alone say anything about it?

    Sorry if it seems like I, and others, are jumping on you, but your story is BS, and you either know it, or should know it. Take a look at the coverage it's gotten. It's on most of the Apple coverage sites including some read by investors and analysts.

    Do we really need news being polluted with this? If you're an honest person, you should now, confronted with logic, common sense, and the actual truth, contact those who picked up your story.

    Clearly your upgrade wasn't delayed because of the iPhone being released later, and you know it.

    Apr 15, 03:56 AM
    Will the alarm work?

    Apr 21, 10:50 PM
    Our continuous innovation?

    Even my grandma has more innovations than samsung. At least HTC and motorola came up with their skins being very different from apple. They tried to differentiate themselves from apple's iOS with Motorola Blur and HTC Sense.

    But, Samsung? They look so much like iOS.

    Korea? Give me a freaking break. That market is so freaking small.

    US is a huge market. There are way over 300 millions of people here and it is growing so fast. Samsung sold 2-3 million galaxy phones in US alone.

    If samsung loses, and they most likely will... against apple in this law suit in US. Their share holders won't be so happy.

    Samsung Vs Apple is very different from Apple vs HTC or Apple vs Motorola.

    Samsung did copy apple.

    Look at their damn 9 series laptop. Look at how their ports are located. It is a rip off from apple's first generation MBA.

    Innovation my ass...

    Mar 29, 01:53 PM
    The 3GS was quite a bump from the 3G. Anyone thinking/claiming otherwise has never owned a 3GS.

    An iPhone "4S" would still be quite an upgrade over the iPhone 4, even if it is just more ram and an A5 chip (with a much better SGX543-MP2 GPU). And it would still very much be the iPhone 5 as in 5th Generation iPhone. Just like the iPhone 3GS was the 3rd generation iPhone to the iPhone 3G's 2nd generation status.

    How about an "iPhone 4G S"? It is 4G for "HSPA+/LTE" and "S" for "Speed". That would ge consistent with the "iPhone 3G", and "iPhone 3G S" names.

    Apr 14, 09:02 AM
    Granted all of the issues everyone has had with the iPhone 4 over the past year (death grip/Antennagate, etc), I doubt that colour is going to be the least of their concerns.

    At this point, waiting another 3 - 5 months for an iPhone 5 would be more prudent than being locked into something so soon before a new device comes out.


    I'm glad I wasn't part of that "everyone" group. Not one issue here.

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