Friday 20 May 2011

american idol logo wallpaper

american idol logo wallpaper. american idol logo gif. the
  • american idol logo gif. the

  • Edmoil12
    Apr 21, 08:29 PM
    If you're alluding to the theory that Apple took it out to 'differentiate' it from the macbook pro's, I still don't get that concept.

    I mean, if you want to differentiate your higher end products from the lower end ones, you ADD features to the higher end one. You DON'T remove features that were once standard for years on the lower end machine.

    ***It's like if Ford all the sudden removed air conditioning on all but their high end cars - saying that's a 'luxary' feature for their high end vehicles. We'd ALL cry BULL.....!!! Same thing has happened with the MBA.

    I definitely disagree with you there. Many companies will remove features to differentiate their product lineups, and provide an incentive to buy high end products. Think Intel, could add hyperthreading and turbo boost to every processor they make for a relatively small cost, but they don't and disable features so they can market you an i7 or i5 instead of a 'lowly' i3. Think auto makers, many will offer a bigger engine along with many low cost trim upgrades as a 'sport' package. They could include all of those minor upgrades in the lower models, but they don't because it creates a stronger incentive to pay for an upgrade.

    With Apple, the biggest reason the macbook air doesn't have a backlit keyboard or 4GB of ram is to save costs to keep their margins up. Also it creates an incentive for people to buy a more expensive macbook pro, or pay $100 extra for the 4GB of ram. Plus, it gives them another selling feature if they decide to bring it back later. Remember when apple removed the buttons from the iPod shuffle, only to promote how great they are when they brought them back?

    If apple thinks that the savings they get by removing the backlit keyboard are greater than the lost customers/profits from removing it, then they are better off.

    american idol logo wallpaper. american idol logo png.
  • american idol logo png.

  • graphite13
    Nov 3, 02:28 PM
    For all those people who signed up for the beta.. I'm pretty sure this is a PRIVATE beta. VMware has said they'll do a public beta by the end of the year, and I'm pretty sure that'll be PUBLIC.

    Basically, I'm sure that they're just ramping up to get some features in for the public beta, but wanted to test functionality and what not with this private beta. They've still got 2 months or so to hold up to that statement ("by the end of the year")

    american idol logo wallpaper. american idol logo png.
  • american idol logo png.

  • Legion93
    May 1, 11:44 PM
    I would just like to mention two things:

    1. Today is yom hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)
    2. Yesterday, April 30, 2011 is the anniversary of Hitler's death.

    Just want to through those two items out there

    You mean this was meant to happen?

    It's the devil's code!

    american idol logo wallpaper. american idol logo
  • american idol logo

  • lordonuthin
    Oct 26, 01:25 AM
    I did a complete reinstall of folding@home and it is now doing a bigadv wu :)

    wu 2683 r12c9g7 looks to be about 27 min per frame.


    american idol logo wallpaper. american idol logo gif.
  • american idol logo gif.

  • meepm00pmeep
    Oct 24, 07:46 AM
    i mean for everyone who waited this long, Santa Rosa is coming up soon, so why not wait for that as well? i say get what you need when you need it... there will always be newer tech down the line

    american idol logo wallpaper. cats wallpapers and thecatch
  • cats wallpapers and thecatch

  • toddybody
    Apr 22, 07:50 PM
    I just want a bigger screen on the iP5...all these droids with 4inch' displays have me a tad jealous.


    american idol logo wallpaper. set of AMERICAN IDOL logo
  • set of AMERICAN IDOL logo

  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 8, 02:22 PM
    They did it with Darren on Bewitched too.And that's what bugs me. That's the only time I can think of on TV where they actually pulled a switcheroo instead of having the character killed or sending him or her on a long trip to visit Aunt Edna in Schenectady.

    american idol logo wallpaper. american idol logo 2010.
  • american idol logo 2010.

  • OliverOSX93
    Apr 26, 09:23 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I would have thought they would have a 24 / 24.5 inch screen. If only to make it match the 13/15/17 screen sizes of the MBP.


    american idol logo wallpaper. Cross pitbull, tapout american
  • Cross pitbull, tapout american

  • Lennholm
    Apr 22, 08:36 AM
    If you clear your cache and refresh, you'd see the image you are hotlinking to isn't displaying. ;)

    Its just a low res image saying go to "my digital life".

    Oh, I see. Yeah that's what I saw in the quote of my post but I saw the correct one in my original so I thought that worked. Haha huge fail on me trying to get a point across.
    Oh well, if you don't know what the WMP play icon looks like, this one should work:

    american idol logo wallpaper. american idol wallpaper.
  • american idol wallpaper.

  • JFreak
    Jul 29, 07:54 AM
    It will suck like all Microsoft products except for the MS Mouse that is good.

    MS Natural Keyboard is also good.

    How come pretty much everthing Apple makes is good except for the Mouse :confused:

    Apple mouse is beautiful and using one is not very stressful for your hand. Scroll ball in the Mighty Mouse is the best I've used and there's no comparison.

    The only bad Apple mice were the hockey pucks.


    american idol logo wallpaper. Casey American Idol Wallpaper!
  • Casey American Idol Wallpaper!

  • Surely
    Sep 13, 07:03 PM
    Tried to be good to the mods to reduce their headache. haha..but alas a purchase is a purchase.

    I don't think there was anything wrong with what you originally posted (you know, that girl-on-girl DVD).


    american idol logo wallpaper. american idol logo font. the
  • american idol logo font. the

  • DynaFXD
    May 4, 11:48 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Meh. I was not upgrading until the "6" anyway.


    american idol logo wallpaper. american idol logo png.
  • american idol logo png.

  • swarmster
    Apr 22, 04:32 PM
    I would potentially like the idea of a little gesture area around the home button. Makes more sense than taking over 4-figure gestures to do app switching. Just slide your finger left or right over the home button and change apps without having to click it.

    american idol logo wallpaper. american idol symbol pink
  • american idol symbol pink

  • sonnys
    Jul 28, 02:11 PM
    Once you are a market leader, it's almost impossible to be unseated in that market unless you make a lot of mistakes. It comes down to top-of-mind awareness. When you think portable music, what is the first thing you think about? iPod. 90% of consumers will buy from the brand with the #1 top-of-mind awareness, and it goes down steeply from there.

    Apple needs the competition in order to evolve better products, but it's not a huge threat in terms of Apple losing the top spot. It may lose a few points of market share, but it will certainly continue to lead the market no matter how much cash Microsoft throws down. Apple is simply better at marketing, better at making things cool, and those are the two things that have made the iPod a success -- two things that, I might add, Microsoft is terrible at.

    I wish Microsoft luck with this, but would advise stockholders to get out now.


    american idol logo wallpaper. american idol logo 2009.
  • american idol logo 2009.

  • Eldiablojoe
    Apr 30, 03:29 PM
    good job everyone, including plutonius and appleguy

    now it is basically one spanking new 6-villagers game, starting tonight, with one wolf, one seer and likely one hunter.
    with a twist: both the seer and the hunter could also be the wolf.
    everyone is suspect.

    make it a short night guys, see you all tomorrowUmmm, I'm not sure this game is over yet... there's still an infected Villager out there...

    american idol logo wallpaper. american idol wallpaper.
  • american idol wallpaper.

  • steviem
    Sep 16, 07:01 AM

    I bought this, turns out my employee bookstore has it for �24 rather than the �40 something on it's rrp.

    Was going to buy it anyway, want to do the exam as soon as i can.


    american idol logo wallpaper. american idol logo png.
  • american idol logo png.

  • ibook30
    Jul 25, 12:19 AM
    Apple could make a ton of cash "this simple connector - only available from Apple - ... very 2001:)

    Apple making tons of cash on simplicity and ease of use???
    Unheard of !

    This is a wonderful vision of the future ( that leads to robots wiping us all out ).

    american idol logo wallpaper. american idol logo font.
  • american idol logo font.

  • Westside guy
    Oct 23, 02:46 PM
    And since WINE/Codeweavers isn't Windows, it merely lets Windows applications run under OS X, it isn't troubled by the 200,000 Windows viruses, trojans etc. lurking out there.

    Well... actually there are some viruses and trojans that are able to operate within the Wine environment. :p

    Of course as far as I know, so far it's always been a case of "Hmm... I wonder if I can get worm xxxxxx to run under Wine?" :D

    american idol logo wallpaper. american idol wallpaper.
  • american idol wallpaper.

  • random47
    Nov 28, 11:19 AM
    8GB ram for my macbook pro.

    Is really all i need.

    maybe i should get 100 usd for charity.

    Jul 26, 09:15 AM
    so would this be incorporated into the upcoming iPod, or the "next" update to the iPod?

    obviously in the next iPod (machine not sw) :(

    Dec 29, 10:01 PM
    Anyone watch 1000 Ways To Die ( on Spike? I can only take so much but it's good sometimes when I'm stuck in a hotel. Today a xtra large woman having sexual relations, while on top fainted and smothered her poor helpless partner who could not get out from under her.

    Apr 16, 09:28 PM
    I want to play!:cool:

    Nov 8, 09:50 AM
    I keep having the money to buy this but end up purchasing something else like Fall/Winter clothes LOL. A PS3 won't keep my warm in Boston.$S300$

    or this:$S300W$

    Haven't had a camera since a Canon SD630 (no longer in my possession).

    Oct 24, 07:53 AM
    Just as I said and expected, only minor changes. I think its great Apple is giving 2GB of memory in standard configs, that is hopefully a sign of things to come in the pro line overall.

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