Friday 20 May 2011

american idol 2011 contestants pia

american idol 2011 contestants pia. American Idol 2011,
  • American Idol 2011,

  • Btrthnezr3
    Jan 27, 05:31 PM
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new chair!

    It was easy to put together and super comfy.
    It'd be even more comfy if I was

    Looks so nice with my desk and is much better than the "cardboard with fabric" I was sitting on before.

    american idol 2011 contestants pia. American Idol 2011 Season 10
  • American Idol 2011 Season 10

  • Blasterzilla
    Apr 29, 03:29 PM
    Mp3 = :(

    american idol 2011 contestants pia. Eliminated contestant Pia
  • Eliminated contestant Pia

  • zap2
    Jul 24, 02:37 PM
    Good new because after using my BT Apple mouse, no way i was going wired even for Mighty Mouse

    american idol 2011 contestants pia. Idol#39; contestant Pia
  • Idol#39; contestant Pia

  • twoodcc
    Nov 12, 03:39 PM
    i sure hope i don't lose that bigadv unit


    american idol 2011 contestants pia. Pia#39;s American Idol journey
  • Pia#39;s American Idol journey

  • ovrlrd
    Apr 22, 09:41 AM
    So what is Apple waiting for with the iPhone 5?
    If there are no chips until 2012, then just give us the iphone 5 now :)

    The obvious answer is that iOS 5 is going to be major and is why it is taking awhile (probably iTunes cloud related).

    american idol 2011 contestants pia. While the contestants are
  • While the contestants are

  • xVeinx
    Oct 23, 02:28 PM
    How would an operating system KNOW it is being run in virtualization? It cannot determine the difference from a real computer. We are talking about Vista like it is an artificial intelligence of some kind.

    I suppose that depends on how you define artifical intelligence... Anyway, to answer your point, Vista can determine if you are running the software in a virtual environment. Virtualization requires the OS to be embedded in further software, and that software has distinct signitures that can be pulled out by the OS. It might be possible to add patches to prevent Vista from seeing those signatures, but who knows.

    On another front, if MS were wise, they would take some advice from Apple's iTunes and use a deactivation feature. This would prevent a huge stress on their phone support and tremendously add to user happiness. If there ever became an issue with Windows, or someone needed to upgrade, then they could go ahead and deactivate that copy of windows or deauthorize the account (through safe mode in the case of OS problems). Then, the software could be reinstalled without worry and reactivated.


    american idol 2011 contestants pia. Although “American Idol” is a
  • Although “American Idol” is a

  • akac
    Nov 4, 01:19 AM
    Whatever dude. 2Ghz\2GB RAM\256MB Video\160GB HD and there is NOTHING instantaneous about Parallels at all. It takes anywhere from 1-2 minutes to resume a session and another 2+ minutes to suspend it. This is with multiple images, several OS X installs, and I know how to tweak Windows with the best of them.

    Sounds like you're not talking about Parallels starting up, but a virtual machine either resuming or starting up from scratch. For me WinXP starts in about 15 seconds on a 2.16Ghz 2GB RAM or about 2 minutes if resuming. But that has NOTHING to do with Cocoa, QT, Carbon or what not. The difference between those frameworks in speed is in milliseconds and would have nothing to do with the above. Those would have everything to do with file writing to disk.

    I can say that when Parallels has its VM Flags set to VM Cache as the primary caching logic, its disk speed is near native, but OS X apps slow down dramatically. Change that to Mac OS X primary caching logic and the VM's disk access slows down noticeably, but not horribly.

    american idol 2011 contestants pia. #39;American Idol#39; contestant Pia
  • #39;American Idol#39; contestant Pia

  • Rowbear
    Apr 14, 08:58 PM

    Awesomely surreal ... Lovely light and the mist adds drama to the scene. Great shot :)


    american idol 2011 contestants pia. from American Idol last
  • from American Idol last

  • Axegrinder
    Jul 11, 05:07 PM
    I know this is an Apple site and having recently "switched" I'm in no way knocking Apple or their products, but at the risk of getting flamed, why do people buy the video ipod with its tiny screen when there are other, better, video players out there already?

    I have one of these ( and its fantastic. Great battery life, large vibrant screen, 30GB hard drive, plays movies, audio and records off the TV. Works great with my nice new 20" intel iMac too using handbrake and VisualHub.

    I know brand loyalty plays a major part in peoples purchasing decisions but buying an ipod to watch video on a screen as small as that? Don't think I could stand it for long.

    IMHO, both Apple and Microsoft will have to go some way to beat the COWON A2.

    american idol 2011 contestants pia. american idol contestants 2011
  • american idol contestants 2011

  • rorschach
    Apr 14, 03:49 PM
    I'm not a picky person, but it's the fact that it never did this before that's really the problem. Apple is usually one of the few companies that really pay attention to details...things like the rubber banding when scrolling, the subtle volume fade-out when music is interrupted by a phone call/notification, etc are part of what set the iPhone apart.

    Apps aren't launching more quickly, they are launching more slowly, btw. Even after a total restore it takes very little time for things to start lagging again. This only started after 4.2/4.3.

    Okay, I just reproduced this problem. After which I rolled my eyes and said "What's the big deal?"

    I mean really, this is BEYOND picky. No wonder us Apple users have a reputation for being douchebags.

    I hadn't even NOTICED this until now, and now that I have, I'm not really sure why I'm supposed to care. Honestly, if it's a choice between fixing this and putting more development resources into iOS 5, I much prefer the latter.


    EDIT: I wanted to add that I'd rather my app launch faster than for time to be wasted playing a silly animation. Based on how fast the app comes up, that may be what's going on here.


    american idol 2011 contestants pia. American Idol#39;s Pia Toscano
  • American Idol#39;s Pia Toscano

  • lehite
    Apr 13, 02:19 PM
    I find this highly unlikely. Even if I did believe and it came true I couldn't afford one.

    american idol 2011 contestants pia. HOLLYWOOD, CA - FEBRUARY 24: (Clockwise, from left) quot;American Idolquot; 2011 contestants Rachel Zevita, Karen Rodriguez, Tatynisa Wilson, Naima Adedapo,
  • HOLLYWOOD, CA - FEBRUARY 24: (Clockwise, from left) quot;American Idolquot; 2011 contestants Rachel Zevita, Karen Rodriguez, Tatynisa Wilson, Naima Adedapo,

  • Lancetx
    May 3, 07:57 AM
    Yeah.. Wtf? Can anyone clarify?

    Chill out people, they're still IPS...

    Link (


    american idol 2011 contestants pia. #39;American Idol#39; Contestant Pia
  • #39;American Idol#39; Contestant Pia

  • Ommid
    Apr 24, 05:16 AM
    Lol, I wonder if you can change that wallpaper to get rid of the phone number?? :D

    american idol 2011 contestants pia. 4 Mar 2011 . Pia Toscano.
  • 4 Mar 2011 . Pia Toscano.

  • Zonz
    Dec 31, 05:26 PM
    ...And you bring religion into it? Seriously? :rolleyes:

    Anyway, to say that healthcare doesn't enter into the situation of someone that large is denial, plain and simple. You really shouldn't jump into such deep waters so ill-equipped, my friend. My original post and Knight's reply to yours already explain why this is a issue that affects more than just her.

    It sure is. I've never said otherwise. She can eat until she bursts for all I care. But there is a pretty big chasm between being selfish, and not wanting to pay for someone else's self-inflicted stupidity. Though I guess she's backed out of the plan anyway, cleaning up the hot biological mess of someone purposely trying to be "the world's fattest person" should happen on her dime, not mine.

    I think you missed the sarcasm in my God reference (God, not religion, but nonetheless IRONY MUCH?)... and no, I read every post and I understood them all, but my argument is not that she isn't a liability. It's that no one here has a right to decide where the line is between what lifestyle is so selfish that it is your personal concern.

    I'm ill equipped, huh?

    So I think you missed my point. I never said health care doesn't factor in, but my point was... every single person here is being hypocritical!

    You can argue all you want, and would be correct to say that every decision, including the choice to be fat, effects everyone else and not just yourself, but to judge her decision so harshly like you are is almost disgraceful.

    And just in case, I'll preemptive strike. No I am not arguing out of some personal defense to my own lifestyle. I am not fat, if anything I'm under weight. 5'11'' and 150 lbs.


    american idol 2011 contestants pia. Pia Toscano American Idol
  • Pia Toscano American Idol

  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 28, 10:08 AM
    THere are two articles on the home page right now: one about Verizon iPhones not selling as well as thought, and one on the Verizon iPhone surge causing Android US market share to slip.

    So the news is that they are simultaneously doing better and worse than anticipated?

    american idol 2011 contestants pia. American Idol#39; contestant Pia
  • American Idol#39; contestant Pia

  • lilo777
    Apr 23, 12:05 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Im a shareholder. Similar to many others here that you mindlessly dismiss

    I have nothing against Apple shareholders (both shorts and longs :D). It's just this is not a forum for them. This is their forum:


    american idol 2011 contestants pia. American Idol#39; contestant Pia
  • American Idol#39; contestant Pia

  • Corey Grandy
    Sep 12, 09:59 PM
    Sooo cute - how is the demeanor and personality? Good apartment dog?

    They're really shy at first, like any animal. But when they warm up to you they are extremely loving and loyal but they get jealous if there are other animals around that get any attention.

    I had one before with an ex and we had him in an apartment, no problem. He was very easy to train and I was extremely impressed by that. They aren't loud by any means and in this case they max out at 12" from the front paws to the back of the head and weigh ~12 lbs.

    american idol 2011 contestants pia. American Idol? last week. Pia
  • American Idol? last week. Pia

  • solafide
    Apr 29, 03:19 PM
    Gain market share for Amazon. Like last year when they sold MP3 albums at a loss.

    Apple has proven that market share does not = profitability. I think Apple's focus is right.

    I don't see how market share helps Amazon, in this case, if they are losing money on it and have no off-setting profit generated by the loss.

    Also, I wonder when this comes into effect. I was just at the Amazon store and most the music I looked at was at $1.29 or $.99 a song - I only saw one $.69 song. Of course, my tastes don't trend toward a lot of pop.

    american idol 2011 contestants pia. American Idol contestant
  • American Idol contestant

  • bad03xtreme
    Apr 13, 02:22 PM
    I don't see this happening, TV technology changes to fast to get stuck with an expensive TV that you need to keep for many years to justify the higher price.

    Case in point the new Bose videowave TV it's over $5k for a 46" tv! :eek:

    Jan 30, 01:51 PM

    WELL SAID WMK!!! - I most agree with the fact that the RETARID amount of money bush has spent has caused the decline in faith of the dollar!
    I'd also like to add that Apple is by no means the biggest loser in this current stock slide and will come back. google lost $200 a share! so, they'll all come back it's all about confidence in the US not what was released at MW.

    Actually, the US Dollar is declining due to the Fed interest rate cuts.
    Congress controls spending, not the President.
    More to do with paranoid, small-time, inexperienced investors, than anything else.

    Apr 13, 02:31 PM
    No thanks I allready built myself a HTPC which will be better than anything Apple do unless they add OS X into a tv. Even then Id still prefer my HTPC because it runs Windows 7.

    Nov 5, 03:40 AM
    so i just installed vmware... and ive got to say... its really not up to par with parallels... its sluggish on my MBP 2.0ghz with 2gigs of ram.... and i mean real sluggish... rebooting doesnt seem to want to work.... i do like the interface though but overall, its not that great to work with compare to parallels.... i do realize that this is a private beta but even in the beta stage parallels was much better.....
    hope that the next build is more promising

    also... i didnt see a way to change the amount of ram dedicated to the virtual machine other then by creating a new vm....

    Apr 26, 02:24 PM
    Exactly. It's more than just the $5 for the app and the data cap/bandwidth issues. It is wear and tear on a machine that has to be left on 24/7. It is the hydro cost of running that machine 24/7 instead of turning it off when you go out (this alone may well add up to more than $20/year!) If you don't want your main machine on 24/7 then it is the cost of another Mac mini or NAS or other device to act as the server instead.

    It is also wear and tear on your 2 TB drive that has to be on 24/7, as opposed to working more like a backup drive that's only activated occasionally to back up your music files. It is the hassle of ensuring AudioGalaxy and your server and your ISP internet connection are all up and running when you need them to be (dealing with power outages, internet outages, maintenance, restarts, software updates, etc.)

    $20/year might well be worth it for the uptime and hydro considerations alone.

    right on. now if you have multiple machines and you already do that, then it doesn't make sense to do the cloud service. but i'm more of a mobile user and don't like desktops or big setups. The less stuff I own the better.

    Nov 17, 10:28 AM
    So it's just a really crappy company that stands on its own?


    You speak the truth!

    I don't shop at Aeropostale but just because their shirts are thin, not soft and have random "kiddy" designs.

    I do buy a bit of Hollister (lil bro of A&F) but only on sale (normal prices are high) and because their fleece is soo soft.

    I had to do a research project once about A&F so I know a little about it.
    Gladly, I'm not a fanboy of expensive clothes just for the heck of it.

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