Saturday 21 May 2011

sarah palin runner

sarah palin runner. Sarah Palin, photographed for
  • Sarah Palin, photographed for

  • RawBert
    Dec 29, 05:40 PM
    When one starts approaching the weight of worlds fattest person they can no longer get to the toilet. So I feel sorry for the person with bed pan duty:eek::eek::eek:.

    Oh God! *dry heave* You're right.

    I'm sure fried chicken drumsticks sometimes get wedged in between her rolls for months at a time. Perhaps even whole chickens.

    sarah palin runner. Sarah Palin and former
  • Sarah Palin and former

  • D4F
    Apr 28, 04:56 PM
    It's ok that Macs are overpriced big time, no problem that they come with not so up to date hardware yet people bitch that they are 'screwed' cause they will need a new... bumper case....

    Hahaha. I just can't stop laughing.

    sarah palin runner. sarah palin
  • sarah palin

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 27, 07:24 PM
    Calling someone "creeeeepy" because they do not fit into your preconceived notion of gender is kind of ****ed up no?

    Well, doh, yes.

    Why do you think 'he' is anonymous??

    sarah palin runner. Bristol Palin#39;s grandma#39;s
  • Bristol Palin#39;s grandma#39;s

  • toddybody
    Apr 15, 02:01 PM

    Yep...I mean no, er uh...iCal is ugly :(


    sarah palin runner. Fox News commentator and best-selling author Dick Morris says former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is the clear front-runner for the
  • Fox News commentator and best-selling author Dick Morris says former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is the clear front-runner for the

  • deloreanz
    Mar 16, 09:57 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    About 40 in line now at SCP.

    sarah palin runner. I Want Sarah Palin#39;s Mascara
  • I Want Sarah Palin#39;s Mascara

  • FireStar
    Nov 6, 10:06 AM
    Me too. I didn't realize it has been 5 years since I bought my last pair of blue jeans. I only have 2 pairs of blue jeans, and 1 pair of dark greys. I don't wear jeans all the time like some people do, so I never think of replacing at least one of those. One pair definitely doesn't fit anymore, while I love the other pair (but they fit rather "meh").
    I have about 3 pairs. One of those being "Flare". :confused: No idea why I bought those....


    sarah palin runner. Palin prayed that the Iraq war
  • Palin prayed that the Iraq war

  • Manacit
    Apr 22, 06:32 PM
    That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. Obviously, this won't be the next iPhone, because Apple would never come out with something that ugly.

    Honestly, the iPhone 4 looks great, an iPhone 4S would be ideal, not this ugly PoS

    sarah palin runner. McCain announced Sarah Palin
  • McCain announced Sarah Palin

  • MacRumors
    Jul 28, 07:13 AM (

    ZDNet reports ( on Microsoft's recently revealed audio player initiative known as "Zune". Last week ( Microsoft confirmed that they were entering the music player market with an integrated solution for music, called Zune:

    "We do need a more consistent experience," Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said in a January interview. "That doesn't mean it's bad to have a variety of devices. I think that's great. But there are some things we need to make sure are more consistently delivered across the portable devices."

    In the latest article, Microsoft's president of the Entertainment and Devices Division states that the Zune initiative is a long term effort with tie ins into other Microsoft projects including the Xbox, Medica center and Live Anywhere gaming.

    Bach didn't offer new details on Zune but said creating a sense of community and making it easier to find new music are central to it. "We're not just introducing Zune to do the same thing other people do," Bach said. Still, he said, the company expects it to take three to five years for the effort to really pay off.


    sarah palin runner. gives Sarah Palin new hope
  • gives Sarah Palin new hope

  • jessica.
    May 1, 10:03 PM
    Agreed, I don't think this will stop or slow anything. Knowing he is dead though is a good thing.

    sarah palin runner. Sarah Palin Running Diet
  • Sarah Palin Running Diet

  • nies
    Apr 27, 08:58 PM
    maybe i should just vote myself huh?


    sarah palin runner. candidate Sarah Palin made
  • candidate Sarah Palin made

  • hayesk
    Mar 31, 08:43 PM
    I thought that the inverse scrolling was a bug, but in Lion Dev Preview 2 it is still there :eek:

    It's done on purpose because we've been used to backwards scrolling all these years. Why should a mouse's scroll wheel control the scroll bar, and not the page you want to scroll? When you think about it, it's kind of silly to add that extra layer of abstraction when you don't need it.

    Now it's been corrected - it takes almost no time to get used to it. Embrace it, and you'll be ok.

    sarah palin runner. Newsweek+cover+sarah+palin
  • Newsweek+cover+sarah+palin

  • macrumormonger
    Apr 12, 04:38 PM
    What lens?

    Zeiss 35mm Distagon 2/35 (

    Camera Canon EOS REBEL T2i
    Exposure 0.002 sec (1/640)
    Aperture f/7.1
    Focal Length 35 mm
    ISO Speed 100


    sarah palin runner. Sarah Palin#39;s Runner#39;s World
  • Sarah Palin#39;s Runner#39;s World

  • !� V �!
    Apr 25, 04:05 PM
    I'm excited about the update. I plan on getting a new iMac shortly after OS X Lion comes out.

    I'm really hoping for an inexpensive SSD primary drive and 2TB secondary "spinning" drive.

    A solid video card would be nice, but I really don't game that much, so that's not a deal killer.

    I expect this may be the last of the classic 2005-style (L bracket, screen with "chin") iMacs produced. In 12-18 months I expect Apple will launch a new style of iMac with no "chin" and a drafting table style multi-touch screen.

    Think iPad 2 with the "L" shape stand as the new iMac. Ditch the Optical Drive, not needed anymore considering its takes up space and is hardly ever used by the majority. :)

    sarah palin runner. Dick Morris: Sarah Palin Is
  • Dick Morris: Sarah Palin Is

  • milo
    May 3, 08:52 AM
    Is it confirmed these beauties have SATA III?

    Exactly what I'm wondering. The new laptops have SATA III for the boot drive but II for the optical. I would hope these have III for the boot drive and optional SSD, it would be nice if they just went ahead and used it for the optical as well.

    Now how about a mac pro update, now there are two cheaper lines with thunderbolt (and likely SATA III).


    sarah palin runner. Sarah Palin in running
  • Sarah Palin in running

  • zync
    Jul 31, 12:11 PM
    Mmm .. no. The reason you don't see it much is because XP SP2 is pretty rock solid as far as operating systems go.

    If a machine reboots when you're typing an email, then folk would still register this as a crash.

    He was talking about seeing blue screens. So it doesn't matter how many people would register it as a crash....they still wouldn't see a blue screen. That was the point he was trying to make.

    Also, just as a side took them three years to create the version you're talking about. I'm not stating this for argument�it's only here as additional info.

    sarah palin runner. Sarah Palin, former Governor
  • Sarah Palin, former Governor

  • SandynJosh
    Jun 6, 05:28 PM
    It didn't take my 10 year old son long to figure out that he could continue to download apps after asking me to download one for him. Now, if he wants a free app, I wait for it to finish downloading and then i log out of my account before i hand his touch back to him! :mad:

    OMG! You have a budding lawyer on your hands!


    sarah palin runner. Sarah Palin Hates America!
  • Sarah Palin Hates America!

  • Chundles
    Jul 25, 10:07 AM
    one battery? how does that work?

    Low power drain, it can run on one battery but runs longer on two. Might also be nice for those who found the old ones too heavy.

    sarah palin runner. Sarah Palin | Permalink
  • Sarah Palin | Permalink

  • MacNut
    Mar 8, 02:47 PM
    Roseanne's blonde daughter. The Munster's blonde daughter.Mr Wilson, although it was his "brother".

    sarah palin runner. This photo of Sarah Palin,
  • This photo of Sarah Palin,

  • blockburner28
    Apr 9, 09:11 PM

    Feb 28, 04:43 PM
    It's happened before...

    And we reelected him. :mad:

    Sep 16, 07:01 AM

    I bought this, turns out my employee bookstore has it for �24 rather than the �40 something on it's rrp.

    Was going to buy it anyway, want to do the exam as soon as i can.

    Jul 28, 09:43 AM
    My mistake, sorry. I got mixed-up between your replies to kevin.rivers, who replied to bigmc6000...

    Maybe he meant "the only high-def console" on the market right now with the PS3 still a few months away?

    No sweat. :D

    Personally, I'd hope that the new gaming consoles--read PS3--would offer some DIVX playback too. I have a Samsung HT-q70 that upscales to 1080i over HDMI and it has a USB port on the front that allows you to plug an external drive into it and it plays VCD, DVD, DIVX, MPEG 2 & 4. That would be a nice simple feature that can be added to these consoles that would make them more useful as a media center.


    Jan 27, 05:11 PM
    once the new macbook pros come out im sure the stocks will go back up :rolleyes:

    Jan 31, 06:52 PM

    Turned sideways and with the slanted edge toward the back of my desk...

    Airport Extreme perched atop, ISP router and various cords hidden within.

    Yummie! I love cord-hiding goodness!

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