Saturday 21 May 2011

lars von trier

lars von trier. Whenever Lars von Trier debuts
  • Whenever Lars von Trier debuts

  • paradox00
    Apr 13, 02:18 PM
    If Apple comes out with a TV are we all going to start fighting over which cable or satellite provider is better? :p

    None the above?

    lars von trier. Lars Von Trier
  • Lars Von Trier

  • sciwizam
    Apr 23, 04:17 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Seriously? An apple rumors forum is no place fo a shareholder? That's absurd.

    "As you can see 260K people bought HTC Thunderbolt since Verizon started selling them (about a month). This translates to about 3 million phones annually. Clearly the demand is there. Also, you keep forgetting that other phones have swappable batteries."

    If you want to play numbers, the iPhone on Verizon (same carrier as thunderbolt) sold 2.2 million in two months, compared to a quarter million in one month for tbolt. Saying that equals 3million annually 1) makes it compete better with the iPhone over two months on a single carrier and 2) assumes that the numbers remain constant. Being that people are figuring out that the battery life is dreadful (and you forget that the majority of the market doesn't want to swap batteries like it's 1999) and that android phones have a short cycle of being the hottest new thing, I don't think there's a basis to assume consistent sales in line with their opening month. Numbers can say anything when there's no common sense behind it.

    Correction: 260000 HTC Thunderbolts in 2 weeks.

    lars von trier. Lars von Trier (the quot;vonquot; was
  • Lars von Trier (the quot;vonquot; was

  • cal6n
    Apr 25, 06:49 AM
    Sorry to burst everyone's bubble... but I don't believe this is a US phone. My iPhone 3gs has been on t-mobile for almost 2 years now... ...because that's the standard carrier in the Netherlands...

    The +1 before the phone number definitely lends to the probability that it's intended for foreign use.

    I can send a screenshot of both my and my gf's phones that clearly say: T-Mobile 3G on them... :D

    And the N94 part number denoting an entirely separate model?


    lars von trier. Lars von Trier
  • Lars von Trier

  • lifeofart
    Jul 12, 05:48 PM
    Some people (mainly people who don't need a proffesional app) don't want a professional app.:

    Well thats fine and I understand many people don't need a professional app. But this person was complaining about a consumer app "Pages" not having all the features that he needed. Yet he claims vehemently that Pages can fully replace Word

    Yeah, too bad Word isn't as good as that unprofessional pages at aligning images properly:rolleyes::
    Says who? I have used both and frankly I like Word better for handling graphics. Pages is great if your images work with your templates but if they don't you have to fart around with locking and unlocking, grouping and ungrouping, and it is extremely tedious.

    Good thing all printshops accept .pdf files!:
    You must not be able to read. Snowy clearly states that .pdf doesn't work for him because it doesn't allow double sided printing.

    Look, I am not trying to say Pages is useless. It is a very nice "Consumer level" app. Yes, some pros could make use of it but some pros could also use VI in the terminal window too. Does that mean that it is as useful or has the same features as the "Pro App" MS Word. No.:rolleyes:


    lars von trier. O diretor dinamarquês Lars Von
  • O diretor dinamarquês Lars Von

  • chameleon81
    Apr 25, 08:13 PM
    iMac with thunderbolt! (but I want macbook / macbook pro with hi-res screen more)

    Btw, do Apple usually give free updates to customers who bought the computer a time period (say 2 months) before new OS release?

    Thunderbolt port for nothing? There isn't a single product on the market yet.

    lars von trier. lars von trier the kingdom
  • lars von trier the kingdom

  • Surely
    Sep 14, 08:10 AM

    Friggin' awesome.



    lars von trier. Richard Lawson — Lars von
  • Richard Lawson — Lars von

  • imnotatfault
    Aug 19, 08:41 AM
    Taking a good look at Leopard and what's on Tiger, I think that the majority of changes are either evolutionary or not really that exciting. /yawn

    Well, at least with the new iChat features people MIGHT actually start using iChat instead of Adium. Maybe?

    lars von trier. Lars von Trier#39;s Dogville.
  • Lars von Trier#39;s Dogville.

  • bigandy
    Jul 10, 11:55 AM
    aaah yes, a wordprocessing mode.

    just what it needs! at last! :)


    lars von trier. Lars von Trier:The law of
  • Lars von Trier:The law of

  • GyroFX
    May 3, 08:30 AM
    good to see the high end iMac has a more respectable GPU this time. thunder bolt this, thunder bolt that. If I got it, I probably won't put it to use for a long while. My 2010 i5 Quad is still kickin' speedily so I'll just wait for another 2 years till there's a freshly designed iMac. I'm most impressed with the GPU upgrade this time around. 256bit/1 or 2 gig DDR5. That's pretty sweet.

    lars von trier. Lars von Trier Since then, he
  • Lars von Trier Since then, he

  • D4F
    Apr 28, 04:56 PM
    It's ok that Macs are overpriced big time, no problem that they come with not so up to date hardware yet people bitch that they are 'screwed' cause they will need a new... bumper case....

    Hahaha. I just can't stop laughing.


    lars von trier. LARS VON TRIER

  • ForzaJuve
    Apr 26, 12:03 PM
    Yes, that's great, but I am surprised it's already noon and there have been no articles about who is suing who yet.

    lars von trier. Lars von Trier with Charlotte
  • Lars von Trier with Charlotte

  • macaddiict
    Mar 31, 10:26 AM
    That is really, really ugly. Like, really ugly. I cannot imagine having that brown turd interface open on my second monitor all day... blargh!


    lars von trier. Lars von Trier
  • Lars von Trier

  • puma1552
    Dec 30, 11:08 PM
    There is a Website called AmpleStuff that has living accessories geared toward larger people in general. This includes the Ample-Sponge, for cleaning those hard-to-reach sensitive areas. I'm not making this up. Laugh if you want, but products like this do allow big people a bit of dignity.

    We are learning some awfully interesting things about you today, lol.

    Whatever floats your boat though lol:D

    lars von trier. Creepy trailer for Lars Von
  • Creepy trailer for Lars Von

  • ucfgrad93
    Mar 10, 02:55 PM
    Sheen filed a lawsuit Thursday against Warner Bros. and "Two and a Half Men" producer Chuck Lorre for $100 million, plus punitive damages, TMZ reports.

    Sheen, 45, is demanding he get paid for the eight "Two and a Half Men" episodes that were canceled this year, and he's also suing to gain lost wages and benefits for the show's crew.

    Sheen's lawyer Marty Singer drafted the suit, and, according to TMZ, writes in the preamble: "Chuck Lorre, one of the richest men in television who is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, believes himself to be so wealthy and powerful that he can unilaterally decide to take money away from the dedicated cast and crew of the popular television series, 'Two and a Half Men,' in order to serve his own ego and self-interest, and make the star of the Series the scapegoat for Lorre's own conduct."

    The suit blames the show's cancellation on "Warner Bros. capitulating to Lorre's egotistical desire to punish Mr. Sheen."

    Poor Charlie, I never knew that he was completely innocent of all this and just a poor victim.:rolleyes: While I feel bad for everyone else on the show loosing out financially, I hope Time Warner fights this and that Charlie doesn't get a penny out of it. Honestly, I just wish the earth would swallow this idiot up.


    lars von trier. Lars von Trier and Lars
  • Lars von Trier and Lars

  • Collin973
    Jul 25, 08:23 AM
    I'd love one of these. Perfect! No cords, mighty mouse design, which is awesome, and i've always wished they'd make one of these. I can't wait to order one when their out. They'll compliment my mbp nicely :D

    lars von trier. Lars Von Trier and Dogme95
  • Lars Von Trier and Dogme95

  • UniPro
    Mar 11, 12:37 PM
    I'll check out the lines around 4. I'm not waiting for more than an hour. If I can't get one today I'll be putting off my purchase for awhile.


    lars von trier. antichrist poster Lars von
  • antichrist poster Lars von

  • alent1234
    Oct 1, 03:41 PM
    i have a family plan with a 3G, 3GS and 2 cheapo phones. my wife and her parents came from Verizon. we live in NYC and no one ever complains about dropped calls. i've had a few from inside a converted factory building with very thick walls

    the most dropped calls i have are to my mom in colorado who has t-mobile. those drop on a land line all the time as well

    lars von trier. LarsVonTrier.jpg
  • LarsVonTrier.jpg

  • Hunabku
    Jul 26, 05:20 PM
    Here we have a PDA device - virtual keyboard, gesture recognition, etc. with a strong possibility of direct connection to the internet (sans computer).

    Imagine your in a cafe with friends, some one says hey have you heard this song...? you go online (itunes) right there (wifi) access the song and load it up to your device - pop it into a new play list, rate it etc.

    Apple can remove a big barrier of complexity (computer) by making it all in one simple ipod-like device. So there is pobably an entire market strategy with itunes store, etc that extends from this new device. i just bet ya...

    lars von trier. Chilling Stills From Lars von
  • Chilling Stills From Lars von

  • anjinha
    Apr 24, 07:20 PM
    the fact is nobody knows the facts ... it could have been a Man trying to disguise himself as a Woman to gain access to the Woman's washroom.

    maybe he was not a transgender and was a threat to young girls in the bathroom.

    I don't think anybody has all the facts ... he was hardly beaten to the point where this thread is labeled "almost killed"

    Yeah, having a seizure from getting beaten up is a walk in the park...

    Apr 18, 05:58 PM
    Some people are lying themselves. Of course every high-end laptop will be like the MBA in few-several years. That is the point, getting slimmer, portable and more and more powerful. That's the ideal laptop.

    So a MBA with better GPU/CPU is always welcomed.

    The point, though, is that the Sandy Bridge MacBook Air will have a much better CPU, but a worse GPU unless Apple does something surprising.

    Apr 21, 11:19 PM
    The ITC staff just ruled against them, they lost the famous case against MS, they ended up paying Apple Corps, etc.

    What have they actually WON?

    They won one suit against Apple Records but lost a few others. Talk about copying and violating agreements.

    Apr 13, 07:39 PM
    Agreed. Who in their right mind would buy this? I don't care when the iPhone 5 comes out - I've stuck with my 3g for this long, I'm not going to cave now and get an iPhone 4 - even if it is white. It's all about contracts. If I'm going to be stuck with something for 2 years, it had better be the best available at the time of purchase.

    Personally, although I really like Apple, I hope that iPhone 4 sales tank in the next month or two. 1 year and 3 months is too long to have the iPhone 4 be your flagship phone product - especially when you don't communicate it to your customers. But, knowing my luck, sales will take off when they don't announce anything in June. :(

    May 3, 08:20 AM
    Just put my order in. i7, 2GB Video Card, 2TB drive with SSD boot (upgrading RAM later). It's going to be a long 6 week wait...

    May 3, 08:09 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Mac Mini: Core2Duo

    :( :rolleyes:

    maybe our day will come soon,

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