Tuesday 24 May 2011

arnold schwarzenegger workout

arnold schwarzenegger workout. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • milo
    Jul 28, 10:07 AM
    Then it is an HD CONSOLE not an HD PLAYER. Player implies HD media.

    I don't know about that. You should probably just ask the OP for clarification, it's possible you're just misunderstanding his choice of words.

    Nintendo never sold any console at a loss.

    Really? What's your source on that?

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  • renewed
    Sep 14, 12:04 PM
    Wait till you get that platinum card !


    I actually want the Lutetium card.


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  • hexonxonx
    Apr 16, 02:56 AM
    I love my AT&T iPhone 4 and 3GS. On the iPhone 4, upgrading to 4.3.1 was flawless with no problems. The 3GS started having battery drain. Within 6 hours, it would be at 60% with just a bit of usage. I would usually be at 60% after 24 hours. I downgraded to 4.1 where I was before. Nothing on 4.3.1 was worth upgrading to. I don't have a supported printer for air printing and for airshare, the only thing I can share back and forth to is my MBP.

    Any battery problems on this latest update?

    I have had a flawless experience with AT&T over the past few years and will remain with the next iPhone.

    arnold schwarzenegger workout. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • SchneiderMan
    Jan 31, 01:47 AM
    Some yummy desserts from Solley's Bakery in Sherman Oaks.
    Let's see..... a chocolate cigar (which is basically a giant chocolate rugula), a s'mores brownie, chocolate (I forget the name) cookies, and chocolate flake macaroon cookies.

    Have you tried Urth Cafe? They have some pretty good stuff. I go there a few times a month.


    arnold schwarzenegger workout. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • jeffedsell
    Apr 13, 02:19 PM
    Another vote in the no column. It just doesn't fit with what Apple does, and where they are right now. As has been noted above, this would be a new market for Apple, and they don't jump into new markets without something that's going to overwhelm their competition and make them instant leaders. A TV set with a baked-in AppleTV isn't it.

    I could see the AppleTV continue to evolve, perhaps adding apps or somesuch. But I think even that will wait. Put simply, the streaming video market is an unholy mess right now. Apple won't take a swing unless they feel they can put one over the fence.

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  • M-5
    Apr 14, 01:27 PM
    Ugh, I finally caught up with the latest firmware version while jailbroken last week, and then this is released. I wouldn't have a problem with it if I didn't suffer from the Facetime glitchiness that I'm now experiencing on 4.3.1.


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  • aafuss1
    Jul 25, 10:33 AM
    Microsoft has a Wireless Laser Mouse 6000-that works on PC's and is laser too-unlike Apple that won't support those trying to get the the wireless Mighty Mouse to work on a PC. And my fav-Logitech has the G7 that works quite fine on Macs.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 29, 02:55 PM
    I think the Amazon mp3's are of a lower bit rate though. I have a few and that was the case. Perhaps that has changed.

    I stil prefer to own CD's and import them. Generally I can find the CD for less than the full album on-line. But I do by from itunes or amazon when I only want one song from an artist.


    arnold schwarzenegger workout. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • MadeTheSwitch
    Apr 23, 02:41 AM
    Apple has no interest in making different sizes/models of iPhones. If you don't care for that, apple isn't for you. They are a greatest common denominator company.

    Perhaps. But it should be noted that at one time Apple didn't have any interest in making different sizes/models of iPods either. Or CDMA phones. Point being, things change.

    arnold schwarzenegger workout. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • tigress666
    Apr 22, 05:30 PM
    Ugly, unsymmetrical, having a bit of a bezel actually is good for appearances.

    And think of this, you don't always hold your phone vertical like that (it still looks ugly unsymmetrical vertical), for many things you are holding it horizontal. That would drive me buggy to have it that lopsided when using it horizontal just cause how ugly and unsymmetrical it would be.

    As for the gesture button? Don't think so. That would be awkward to try to do those gestures in that smaller area.

    Not to mention I am pretty sure what made the interface for the iPhone so popular and Apple's whole philosophy is that it was very intuitive how you operated it. When you want to change screens you flick the screen like you are pushing the screen you don't want to the side to reveal the screen you want. Not so intuitive like that to tell people to learn gestures on a small area where they aren't visually reminded of what they are doing.


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  • Edmoil12
    Apr 21, 08:29 PM
    If you're alluding to the theory that Apple took it out to 'differentiate' it from the macbook pro's, I still don't get that concept.

    I mean, if you want to differentiate your higher end products from the lower end ones, you ADD features to the higher end one. You DON'T remove features that were once standard for years on the lower end machine.

    ***It's like if Ford all the sudden removed air conditioning on all but their high end cars - saying that's a 'luxary' feature for their high end vehicles. We'd ALL cry BULL.....!!! Same thing has happened with the MBA.

    I definitely disagree with you there. Many companies will remove features to differentiate their product lineups, and provide an incentive to buy high end products. Think Intel, could add hyperthreading and turbo boost to every processor they make for a relatively small cost, but they don't and disable features so they can market you an i7 or i5 instead of a 'lowly' i3. Think auto makers, many will offer a bigger engine along with many low cost trim upgrades as a 'sport' package. They could include all of those minor upgrades in the lower models, but they don't because it creates a stronger incentive to pay for an upgrade.

    With Apple, the biggest reason the macbook air doesn't have a backlit keyboard or 4GB of ram is to save costs to keep their margins up. Also it creates an incentive for people to buy a more expensive macbook pro, or pay $100 extra for the 4GB of ram. Plus, it gives them another selling feature if they decide to bring it back later. Remember when apple removed the buttons from the iPod shuffle, only to promote how great they are when they brought them back?

    If apple thinks that the savings they get by removing the backlit keyboard are greater than the lost customers/profits from removing it, then they are better off.

    arnold schwarzenegger workout. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • wmk461
    Jan 30, 07:04 PM
    Drastic debt? Says who? By what historical standard?

    The debt stands at $23,300 per US Citizen. So in my LIFETIME, the government has amassed debt of about $100,000 for my family of four. In the past five years, one tenth of my lifetime, the 401K at my latest employeer stands at over $200,000 (after the significant drop of the past few months).

    While I disagree with your economic theories and 110% disagree with the accuracy of your facts and figures, you and I are in complete agreement with one thing...

    The US can't continue to be the global police force. Frankly Europe consumes the majority of middle eastern oil, not the US. They are the ones that will find themselves in a world of hurt when the wells run dry. The US has huge untapped natural resources (coal and oil). Europe needs to man up and take care of their mess. Sadly there are far too many Chamberlain's in Europe.

    Thread hijack over -- AAPL stock is down just to create an opportunity for common folk to buy it.


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  • roadbloc
    Mar 31, 01:25 PM
    Looks awful. I smell an april fool's joke from Apple.

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  • Legion93
    May 1, 11:21 PM
    They also mocked us saying we would never catch him. Well we caught him and we won't stop.

    Yeah, after like ten years you did. You call that potential success?


    arnold schwarzenegger workout. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Plutonius
    Apr 19, 11:15 AM
    Wondering if we�re going to have a game or not?

    It's better to wait longer before starting if you get more players (should at least have 15).

    "Don't Panic" said he will play but I didn't see his name on the list.

    I'll play and bring some popcorn in anticipation of another "Don't Panic" / Aggie argument :).

    Note: I have a bunch of work coming up so I may not be as active (posting) as usual :(.

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  • MichalM.Mac
    May 3, 08:12 AM
    (Apple called it 5750) : 2010 iMac


    2011 iMac


    Interesting :-)


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  • Tipsy
    Apr 13, 09:10 AM
    well done.

    it is macrumors, after all.I enjoy idle speculation about this stuff as much as the next guy but I still think the old 'everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts' thing should probably be adhered to (and I hope that doesn't come across as snarky to the original poster, and apologies to him/her for [citation needed]ing if it turns out I was wrong).

    Widgets and personalization - not needed. Only nerd losers stare at their OS, being unable to find any better way to spend their pathetic empty life with no purpose.Waiting for you to change the tone when Apple comes out with widgets and custom personalization.You sound like I am against it.Can we take that as an admission that you're a nerd loser who is unable to find any better way to spend his pathetic empty life with no purpose? :D
    If you are, don't worry, we all post here too...

    I couldn't quite tell if your post was serious given how you followed up on it, but I think having better notifications and making better use of the home screen might be quite high priorities from a user-experience point of view. Wouldn't it be helpful to see a Gmail-style snippet of your new emails visible when you unlock your phone? Or possibly a small calendar display so you can see at a glance that there's a meeting you're booked into later? I guess it might be difficult to integrate these things without dramatically reducing the space visible for apps but I can imagine a lot of people having a use for this kind of functionality and Apple is denying people the choice at the moment.

    I still don't quite understand why people are so averse to the idea of a visible file system, as though this means you're going to have to poke around in a directory structure to find a note in Notes, or a song in the iPod or somesuch. It's adding functionality for those who want to use it, not complicating things for people who don't want to use that side of things. I'm sure Apple has the engineering talent to do it.

    arnold schwarzenegger workout. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Macinthetosh
    Apr 22, 04:36 PM
    Why? I loved my iPhone 4 (before I lost it) but my 3GS is far easier to hold.

    I still prefer the iPhone4 design aesthetically, but the reason is the awesomeness of the exterior metallic antenna look, rather than the rectangular block shape. Although, a teardrop design would mean the loss of the external antenna, which would be disappointing from an aesthetic point of view, but something I could live with.

    By "teardrop," I am referring to the tapered look from top to bottom when viewed from a side-profile. I like the rounded edges of the original iPhone and slight hump on the back of the 3G because those are symmetrical (they are also nicer to hold than the iPhone 4).

    arnold schwarzenegger workout. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • bushido
    Apr 14, 05:21 AM
    they probably fixed the issue months ago, considering its no problem on the iPad 2 and they just haven't released it just yet to have an excuse to push the iPhone 5 further away

    Apr 22, 04:40 PM
    Yeah, yeah, yeah...but is it gonna come in white? :p

    Mar 31, 10:28 AM
    it looked way better in the last version of lion.
    that is seriously ugly, although it works on the ipad.

    Jul 24, 09:15 PM
    Is it just me or does anyone else think that if a company never uses a patent it should go pub domain after x number of years? This is tantamount to cyber squatting IMHO.
    Who gives a crap if you thought up a great idea if all you are going to do is sit on it and never use it.

    Complaints aside. Its a cool idea.

    Mar 31, 11:41 AM
    I hope the gratuitous orange UI can be turned off. Especially that stitching. And get rid of the torn paper too, sheesh. Talk about taking a metaphor too far.

    At least give an option for a black or dark brown dyed leather effect - who would buy a mid-70s style tan leather thing these days?

    It's one thing on an iPad where it's full screen and it's like holding a real calendar in your hand. It's not the same on a computer monitor. And I can't doodle on the blank bits of paper either.

    It might be nice to integrate event invitations in Apple Mail with Apple Calendar too, without that intermediate 'save to downloads folder' step. Sure, there's 'smart filters' that can pick out the date in the email too but they're not immediately obvious. In fact, Mail and Calendar integration is rather poor overall.

    Apr 16, 06:22 AM
    Ah. You mean similar as to how Apple purchased NeXT and based OS X on their NeXTSTEP OS?

    Give it up. This has been discussed to death already.

    See above.

    You really think OS X is just a rip off NeXTSTEP?

    As you said its based and a lot of things were shared but it isn't like they said; here's OSX, NeXTSTEP build by Apple.

    OSX shares a lot from the opensource community; so does windows;, Android, Symbian, etc etc.

    What's the big deal?

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