Tuesday 24 May 2011

spiderman 3 logo

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  • SeanMcg
    Nov 3, 11:34 AM
    It will be interesting to see changes the parallels will make. competition is nice. unless you are microsoft...

    ..who won't let you legally (http://download.microsoft.com/documents/useterms/Windows%20Vista_Ultimate_English_9d10381d-6fa8-47c7-83b0-c53f722371fa.pdf) install a "Home" version of Vista in a virtual enviroment, forcing you to pay more for the Ultimate version.

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  • duklaprague
    Oct 24, 08:58 AM
    No, RAM from any PPC Mac won't work in any Intel Mac. Apple use a different type of RAM in their Intel machines and whilst all Intel Macs (aside from the Mac Pro) use the same type of RAM the same isn't true of the old PPC Macs.

    Your 1GB stick won't work at all.

    Cheers - I suspected as much.

    Looking forward to replacing it next year tho' - by then under �1500 is going to go along way - plus my wife qualifies for a discount because she works for the NHS.


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  • -aggie-
    Apr 29, 11:59 AM
    I scanned eldiablojoe last night. He is a WW.

    Edit: Got out of the hospital and have been sleeping mostly since then. Now I wait for the biopsy results. Thanks for all those concerned.

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  • robeddie
    Apr 21, 12:26 PM
    Also, the first MBA didn't have it, and they introduced it in the B revision. So they have been able to squeeze it in before where they weren't initially.

    It would be a nice selling point for the upgraded model (as opposed to the base model), same as they did with the PowerBook for a while.

    Not True. The first MBA DID have it.

    This ... from ZDNet:

    "The worst part about the backlight’s omission is that the original MacBook Air (circa 2008) had a keyboard backlight. Obviously, there’s no technical reason that it couldn’t be done, so why did Apple drop it from the 2010 MBA?

    It can’t be a price issue. How much does a keyboard backlight LED cost in Apple quantities? A dollar? You can’t make the case for battery life either, because it’s easily turned off in System Preferences.

    So why did Apple really drop the keyboard backlight in the new MBA? Planned obsolescence, my friend. How much do you want to bet that the 2011 model has a keyboard backlight?"

    Link: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/apple/the-macbook-airs-biggest-omission-keyboard-backlight/8945


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  • dr_lha
    Oct 18, 04:32 PM
    Having looked at the numbers in more detail it is interesting that compared to the year ago quarter desktop sales are relatively static and pretty much all the growth in mac shipments is in the portable lines. Good to see Apple add 1bn to revenue anyhow.
    I imagine this is an industry wide trend. More and more people are buying laptops, and in the MacBook, Apple have an extremely desirable modestly priced laptop. Even my mother in law has one! :)

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  • Mike84
    Apr 22, 09:40 AM
    This does not necessarily mean that Apple's iPhone 5 will not have the hybrid chip. It is entirely possible that Apple could be working very close with Qualcomm and they could announce the Iphone 5 in late September just not ship it until November 2011 or even close to the end of the year.


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  • rdowns
    Jan 26, 08:38 AM
    I was waiting for it to hit 100 pages on my end before starting a new thread. :( Oh well.

    You poor boy. Will this leave a lasting scar? It wasn't 100 pages for me anyway as I view more threads per page. So there. :p

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 28, 11:39 AM
    Are people still thinking this is coming out next week? There haven't been any other updates since this story was released and I'm starting to doubt it's going to happen on Tuesday. I'd love to know what GPU the 27" is going to have.

    iMac is due, but having doubts about next Tues now since Apple is still shipping current models within 24 hours.


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  • irmongoose
    Jul 12, 07:59 AM
    Padraig: Damn, that would be quite a blow, nice business plan... for Microsoft.

    I hate their goddamn tactics. :mad:


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  • pilotError
    May 3, 08:23 AM
    4-6 weeks for an SSD upgrade?!?!

    Steve jobs: "umad?"

    Looks like another month of waiting for me!

    Is it easy for us to install an SSD by ourselves? (I'm not a geek)

    I've been waiting for the new 27" to replace my 2006 iMac, but I don't really have a pressing need believe it or not. I already put a core2duo in it and a 2gb 7200 rpm HD in it...

    In response to the other 2 posters, I'm waiting for the iFixit teardown to see how bad the upgrade would be, just to see which SSD's they are going to use, and how hard it would be to do the upgrade on my own. Another $600 on the 27" w/ i7 pushes the price to nearly 3000, a bit expensive these days for a desktop, even if it is an Apple.


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  • Plutonius
    Apr 20, 05:26 PM
    Well this has been slow going...where are all the rest of the usual suspects? No Jav? Or Ravenvii?

    I said that I would play but I don't think Intell wants me since he hasn't added me to the list :P .

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  • YoNeX
    Nov 3, 09:49 AM
    Okay, they fixed the Portal, so I was able to download it, a 79.4MB file, lets see how this runs compared to parallels.


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  • balamw
    Oct 23, 09:29 AM
    So I'll say that, if this is accurate, I stand corrected. After a few years of reading Microsoft (and other) EULAs, even I thought Microsoft wouldn't be that retarded. ;-)

    Given the language, and given the additional-license situation with Business and Ultimate, I still have to say I'm surprised.
    The more "interesting" restriction I saw (and mentioned in the other thread) was the "don't use DRM in a VM" restriction even with business or ultimate. :eek: :rolleyes:


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  • Eriden
    Mar 16, 11:12 AM
    I have a black iPad2 64gb Verizon that I picked up at Brea Mall this morning.

    Looking to trade for black iPad2 64gb AT&T.




    ROFL! No one in their right mind is going to swap an AT&T for a Verizon model when the GSM models are in such short supply.

    Also, though I know none of them read Macrumors, I'd like to sneak a moment of catharsis by sending out a big karmic f_ck you to all the scalpers who stood in line on Friday and bought out all the GSM models to ship and sell them overseas.

    Anyway, off to order my GSM version online, and then to enjoy my Verizon white 32GB at work while I'm not drafting contracts & wills.


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  • dalvin200
    Oct 19, 03:18 AM
    this is just pocket change :P

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 28, 09:43 AM
    This is the important part:

    Apple's iPhone 4 ranked as the top-selling mobile phone in the U.S. during the quarter, and perhaps most surprisingly, the iPhone 3GS took second place in the rankings. Despite essentially being a nearly two-year-old device . . .

    That speaks volumes.


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  • ikir
    May 4, 12:58 AM
    iPhone 4 is more than enough, probably they will update at the end of the year or September. Live with it nerds.

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  • timerollson
    Jan 28, 09:03 PM
    Couldn't decide between the two fragrances so I bought both.:o

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  • iOS v Android
    Apr 28, 06:02 PM
    Show me list of dozens, please. 24 phones minimum. i would like to see you provide even one example.

    Good thing you can get it on Verizon

    Droid X
    Droid 2
    Droid World edition
    Galaxy S (Family)
    T-mobile G2
    HTC Evo
    HTC evo Shift
    MY touch
    My touch Slide
    My touch 4g
    Moto Clique
    T-mobile G2X
    Samsung Side kick
    Moto atrix
    Lg Optimus 1 (Family)

    Thats all i can think off. But that is a long list of great phones. I happen to own two of this list. The G2 and one from the Optimus 1 family (you may call it a bogo phone. But a great phone none the less.)

    Apr 13, 09:28 PM
    I'm not sure why we even need an iPhone 5.

    The iPhone 4 is a great form factor. It does the job. At most what it needs is a spec jump (64GB, and maybe clock the CPU faster) and that should hold people over for another year.

    I mean, before we had:

    iPhone 3G
    iPhone 3Gs (pretty much the same form factor but faster CPU)
    iPhone 4

    I suspect we may get an iPhone 4 plus or something like that.

    Also, do you people really need a new phone every year? I had my Treo 650 for nearly four years. The only reason I only kept my Palm Pre for less than a year was that it started having hardware problems.

    Jan 30, 08:17 AM
    I'm betting the tax rebate checks will bump Apple sales...

    Apr 14, 03:38 AM
    If there were so many problems with the white iPhone 4, how come Stephen Fry has had one (and used it) from the beginning?

    Digital Skunk
    May 3, 08:23 AM

    I was going to spring for the refurb i5 at $1449 but then I saw the late 2009 i7 for $1369 and was wondering which model I should go for.

    I'm honestly leaning towards the i7 and have a lot of faith in apple refurb products.

    Apple refurbed are the best you can find in most cases.

    Apple never puts previously damaged hardware on the refurbed store, only open boxed then returned products, or products at End Of Life (EOL). You will find TONS of the previous models on there for 15% off or more.

    Any damaged goods always get parted out and used as Genius Bar parts for repair.

    There are TONS of things I don't like about Apple, but they actually do refurbished good very very well.

    Apr 26, 04:12 PM
    If it is as good as Ping, I'm IN!

    Hahahaha, nice one.

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