Tuesday 24 May 2011

iceland volcano map

iceland volcano map. Maps Iceland
  • Maps Iceland

  • sth
    May 3, 08:13 AM
    Really good to see the update (finally)... but I am disappointed they didn't bring the 24" back :(

    The 27" is too big, and the resolution on the 21.5 is laughable for an upgrade of this magnitude.
    The 21.5" is about the same size as the 24", just cut down to a 16:9 aspect ratio. (1920x1080 resolution instead of 1920x1200 on the old 24")

    But the next iMac upgrade should be pretty amazing. (8-core base model?)
    Not until Intel releases such a CPU.

    Having gotten used to a 24" panel, it's hard to step down to a 21.5. Obviously, it's nice to step up to the 27", if one has the extra disposable income. The 16GB RAM is a nice reality option, especially if the default were 8GB.
    I hope you don't consider getting the RAM as a BTO option directly from Apple since that would be just a waste of money. Get the 27" model and upgrade the RAM yourself.

    iceland volcano map. Map of Volcanoes of Iceland
  • Map of Volcanoes of Iceland

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 12, 10:19 AM
    These really are the worst rumors and don't belong on the front page.

    "iPhone 5 in the works. Will be announced someday." Just put that up as a permalink somewhere.

    iceland volcano map. Map showing where Grimsvötn is
  • Map showing where Grimsvötn is

  • masterthespian
    Jul 12, 10:54 AM
    Knock Knock

    Who's there?


    Argo who?

    Argo **** yourself Microcrap!

    my 2.5 scents....


    iceland volcano map. The volcano was still emitting
  • The volcano was still emitting

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 13, 02:03 PM
    Highly unlikely that Apple will release an actual tv. More probable are televsions from major manufacturers that have air play functionality built in.


    Why would anybody with limited know how about TV manufacturing go into that field?

    USING somebody elses TV to display whatever makes much more sense.

    I could see them coming in with a blockbuster smart projector device.

    Now we are talking:-)


    iceland volcano map. Iceland Map
  • Iceland Map

  • zacmac
    Apr 13, 03:32 PM
    a television doesn't make sense. For one thing it'll be too expensive. I say focus on making the apple tv a better product.

    iceland volcano map. volcano (Gr on map
  • volcano (Gr on map

  • Socratic
    Apr 29, 06:10 PM
    Apple pays 70% straight to the record companies, which would be $0.90. If Amazon pays the same, then they have $0.21 loss before they even start. Or Amazon gets different prices than Apple, which would need some explaining.

    At the moment the record labels are pretty much Apple's bitch. They don't like that, and in splitting the digital market (by giving a leg up -ie lower costing- to Amazon and probably a few others) they eventually restore their power to set the terms. Apple is a vendor for their product, yet is in almost complete control. That's normally the other way around.


    iceland volcano map. ICELAND VOLCANO

  • billysea
    Apr 14, 11:32 AM
    Give me some wise decision guys�

    I am badly in need for a new iDevice. My last device was the iPod Touch 1st Generation. I am planning to get both the iPhone and iPad, but will only get one now and wait for the other one in the next update.

    So which is better now?

    Get iPhone 4 White, and wait for iPad 3�
    Get iPad 2, and wait for iPhone 5?

    I am leaning towards the first option because the iPhone 4 feels like a revolution while the iPad 2 feels like a small upgrade and I wish it has a retina screen. But on the other hand, the iPhone 4 feels old now and iPad 2 just released.

    iceland volcano map. iceland volcano map.
  • iceland volcano map.

  • bizill
    Apr 26, 01:36 PM
    A little harsh here - you don't know if he payed for the music or not and it might also contain movies and other stuff. I know many people that collect lots of music CD's and movie DVDs over the many moons they are on the planet and ripping that in high quality needs lots of storage. Many people try to rip at highest quality possible and that is expensive storage wise. Just don't assume it's is stolen - might be, but you and I don't know.


    Let's just assume it's half music and half movies. That's roughly 142,000 songs and over 3000 movies. At .99 cents per song and $10 per movie, that's $170,000 if he paid for it. And he's complaining about $20 year. Hmmm....


    iceland volcano map. The general geology of Iceland
  • The general geology of Iceland

  • Gatesbasher
    Apr 22, 03:46 AM
    Got to love those championing Samsungs televisions.

    Horrible, cheap, nasty, overly plastic, flimsy pieces of *****.

    Their LED's and Plasma's are reasonable, but I'll never touch their LCD's again.

    Had them, sold them, put Bravias through the house. Sorted.

    Is there any such thing as an LED TV? Other than that $2500, 11", Half-HD, OLED thingie?

    Any TV that says "LED" in big letters on a sticker IS an LCD TV. It just has an LED backlight. (Actually, those bogus phosphor-coated "LEDs" that are really fluorescents�just excited by a blue LED instead of a mercury-vapor tube).

    iceland volcano map. New York Times Volcano Map
  • New York Times Volcano Map

  • andrewm
    Jul 24, 11:03 PM
    I may be one of the few these days to dislike his Mighty Mouse. I find the clicking to be unresponsive compared with my Kensington Bluetooth two-button mouse, and I had trouble getting used to it even after a month of use.

    Additionally, my scroll ball after awhile started to not catch on its sensors--it'd spin without moving the scrollers on the screen. I don't know whether it just collected junk or whether it's a real defect in my particular mouse, but either way a lack of scrolling made the mouse unusable.

    Oh, well--here's hoping that Apple will come up with a real second button, or more of a second-button feel, in the future.

    I also speculate that Apple will completely replace their normal mice with the Mighty Mouse models... both wired and Bluetooth. It simply makes no sense to maintain two separate product lines that both function as single-button mice by default. Just my half-cent worth.


    iceland volcano map. The Arnes central volcano
  • The Arnes central volcano

  • jessica.
    Sep 13, 08:19 PM
    Linkin Park A Thousand Suns

    Only one song kicks ass and it's called "Wretches And kings" It's going to be a hit in da clubs. I said it first! :D

    Do you ever leave your basement? How will you know if it is a hit? :p

    iceland volcano map. Map showing the latest
  • Map showing the latest

  • PBF
    Apr 12, 05:19 PM
    I'll laugh my ass off when Apple do announce iPhone 5 at WWDC.

    LOL @ all the false rumours.


    iceland volcano map. Iceland Tectonic Plates
  • Iceland Tectonic Plates

  • kryten3000
    May 1, 10:58 PM
    Am i the only who cannot access ANY video of the speech?


    iceland volcano map. Iceland Volcanic Volcano
  • Iceland Volcanic Volcano

  • trip1ex
    Apr 13, 02:32 PM
    Eh I don't see it. I think it's a jump the shark move.

    What are they going to do?

    Make an aluminum frame?

    INclude a tiny aluminum remote with few buttons?

    Build the ATV inside?

    Let you calibrate it and configure it from the computer?

    Video conferencing?

    Put nice speakers inside?

    Give it a much higher resolution that doubles as a nice computer monitor?

    I don't see this stuff as having a big market.

    Or maybe they make your tv the computer also? BAsically an iMac. Maybe they release a 42" iMac for $3000.

    Still sounds like jump the shark to me.


    iceland volcano map. of the Icelandic volcano
  • of the Icelandic volcano

  • balamw
    Oct 23, 09:29 AM
    So I'll say that, if this is accurate, I stand corrected. After a few years of reading Microsoft (and other) EULAs, even I thought Microsoft wouldn't be that retarded. ;-)

    Given the language, and given the additional-license situation with Business and Ultimate, I still have to say I'm surprised.
    The more "interesting" restriction I saw (and mentioned in the other thread) was the "don't use DRM in a VM" restriction even with business or ultimate. :eek: :rolleyes:


    iceland volcano map. Iceland volcano Grimsvötn:
  • Iceland volcano Grimsvötn:

  • Stridder44
    Apr 14, 01:22 PM
    Hope this fixes the annoying mute switch bug on the iPhone. Sometimes when using the mute switch, clicking it up results in the phone going into silent mode, and clicking it down puts it into normal mode. This is backwards. It's like it's getting confused. To elaborate even more, moving the switch down (the orange bar is shown) makes it go un-silent, while moving the switch up (so you can't see the orange bar) makes it vibrate and go into silent mode.


    iceland volcano map. This map shows the projected
  • This map shows the projected

  • Intell
    Apr 18, 10:55 AM
    What, pray tell, is in a 'vegitable'?

    Vegemite is a key ingredient I think.

    iceland volcano map. glacier in Iceland,
  • glacier in Iceland,

  • Shadow
    Oct 24, 08:26 AM
    Hmmm...I've never seen a power adapter on a plane, and I flew a few days ago (on a cheapo airline, but still...). Core 2 Duo isnt that much of an upgrade, its "only" 1.4X, which to some people would make a lot of difference but to me it doesnt. Whats that, like a second faster on most tasks? Not worth the wait. Also, whats the word on CPU buzz?

    iceland volcano map. Eyjafjallajökull ash path; map
  • Eyjafjallajökull ash path; map

  • BillyBobBongo
    Oct 28, 07:31 AM

    Yup, I want one of those too. Can't think of anything else that I really want, although I've dropped enough hints all year that I want a bottle of Clase Azul Reposado!

    Nov 3, 10:30 AM
    There is a PPC version but it will only run the PPC version of Windows.NT 3.51? 4? LOL

    All these VMWare features are really nice. Then again I bought Parallels for $29 + tax after rebate. Give me more features Parallels! :D

    May 3, 07:37 AM
    Press Release:


    Apr 22, 06:21 AM
    3.. 2.. 1.. FIGHT (ding ding)

    We are buying apple products and or samsung products so they can toss the money in lawyers instead of r&d. Somebody really toke the Gene Simmons approach: "Make sure there are no incursions. Be litigious. Sue everybody. Take their homes, their cars. Don't let anybody cross that line.".

    Apr 25, 02:42 PM
    I'm interested to see what ends up in this refresh. My MacBook Pro is great, but a good base iMac option could be appealing. My guesses:

    Base 21.5"
    Quad Core i7 (2.2GHz?); 2x2GB 1333 DDR3; 640GB 7200RPM HDD; ATI Radeon HD 6670; Thunderbolt, ditch Firewire?; 1920x1080

    Fully Loaded 27"
    3.4GHz Quad Core i7; 4x4GB 1333 DDR3; 512GB SSD & 2TB 7200 RPM HDD; ATI Radeon HD 6870 (1GB); 2560x1440

    I really don't think that the 6870 will be in the 27 inch version. The current card (5750) has a power draw of 86 watts. The 6870 has a draw of 151 watts. Too much heat.


    Apr 28, 04:49 PM
    "A colleague of mine just picked up a 16 GB iPhone 4 in white. I was a bit surprised when I picked it up off his desk (I had my black 32 GB in my other hand at the same time) – it immediately felt thicker."

    LOL, that's absolutely ridiculous.

    Also, why is everyone feeling so sorry for the case makers...like Apple is screwing them over? It's not their responsibility to cater to the case makers.

    I completely agree. No one can pick something up and "immediately" tell that it's 0.25 mm thicker than another object. I call BS.



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